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Live Show Notes

Oct 15th, 2021


Pizza is up for grabs!! Start contributing now. :)

Concept ideas#

  • Haunted?
  • Escape zombies or witches in the metaverse
  • Magic candy
  • Halloween night

It's a start...#

Halloween night, main character gets transported to the metaverse and is required to fulfill a quest to return home.


(Decentraland? Metaland? Zombieland? Hallowverse? Zombieverse!)


CH1 - Game on (or game over?)#

Person is at their computer on halloween night. Got stood up for a date... there's a huge storm outside.

Group of friends get together to go out to a party, but a storm hits and they decide to meetup online.

Friend: "I don't know about going out in this weather... We should all go out to Zombieverse instead!"

Main Char: "Sure, I guess"

They're having trouble logging on with the storm going on... Then CRASH! A bolt of lightning teleports them to the unknown.

Wake up in the metavers in a rural part of town. See the lights of a city in the distance.

They could be spirits for all we know...

They start traveling. Strange sounds all around. Could they be animals?

Farmhouses... A chase scene begins... The two run to the nearest house and bangs on the door. No one appears to be home, but the porch light is on.

Knocks, knocks... "PLEASE HELP. SOMEBODY!"

(Maybe there were more than 2 people who got sucked out to the metaverse with the main char. Maybe they run into a couple others in the metaverse they don't know and make friends.)

Who all need to be in this story?

  • Main char
  • 2 friends (one gets killed off immediately!)

As he knocks on the door, behind him his friend is running up the driveway terrified. (first reunion with friend)

WTF IS GOING ON. SOMEBODY WAS CHASING ME! (there was a noise in the bushes)


... another guy from the zombieverse appears on the road. Seems friendly(?)

The 3rd guy yells out "GUYS!". It appears to be their 3rd friend. "Can't believe I found you guys!"

Now they all go out to the next house, and someone actually opens the door!

"Here have some brains..." (not candy?? weird!)

Uh... no thanks, I already ate. We have to go to another party. (they continue on)

CH2: The Meta Host Appears#

Finally they get into the city.

They meet the "meta host" that welcomes them to Zombieverse.

You only have 24hrs to fulfill this quest or else... you can't return.

Do they have to find a wizard or... ??? in order to go back home.

(they are stuttering asking questions.) "Who is this wizard anyhow?"

Maybe there's a portal they have to go through to begin the quest.

... do they go in?

They go through the portal and the quest begins.

@EZ: Is the meta host the "quest master"? like a NPC that only has scripted responses. ILIKETHIS.

@DAZERINE: Maybe they go and knock on the door and a ghoul answers. And they say “wow, your dressed as a human” think they are there for trick or treat. So they world is inhabited by zombies ghosts etc but similar to ours

@PENNYBAGS: what if they all get an ominous invitation to a metaverse costume party which they reluctantly go to or even get forced into somehow- then it turns into a murder party or some of the costumed guests turn out to be the real thing ( i.e zombie, vampire, etc) :light_bulb: tossing out ideas before we go full zombie direction

@PHILOFAUSTIN: Maybe if they were in a play murder party IRL, they get sucked to zombiemetaverse and stumble upon a REAL murder party. High stakes.

CH3: Quest accepted.#

They blast out of the portal into a new foreign place.

Somebody comes out to greet them (NPC ofcourse)... "WELCOME! DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME?"


This story must conclude before 10/31 (2wks)